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How do I hide/patch the nadir area at the bottom of my iSTAR images?

There are two options present in our Immersive Studio software for Windows which allow users to cover the nadir hole at the bottom of their iSTAR images:

  1. Add Mirror Ball/Pinch - for iSTAR images, a "mirror-ball" effect will be placed at the bottom of the image, thus covering the hole.
  2. Add Logo - instead of using a mirror-ball, users may upload a custom logo and use this instead.  When creating a custom logo, please be aware of the following:
  • There is a logo template attached at the very bottom of this FAQ which you can then use to create your own logo - this is in .psd format, so native to Adobe Photoshop.  If you don't have Photoshop, you can download a free alternative called GIMP from here that will also allow you to edit the image file.
  • The exact size of image required to fully cover the nadir hole differs slightly from unit to unit.  You can either use the template initially, scaling it slightly up or down to find the right fit for your device, or you can create your logo using the template and then scale it as required thereafter.
  • The image file used should remain equal in height and width, and you should ensure that it retains a transparent background so that it covers only the area intended.
  • The logo must be in .png format, so when you have created your logo, export it in this format.

Both of the options described above can be found within the "Options" section in Immersive Studio:

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