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How do I connect to iSTAR WiFi using an iOS device?

To connect to the iSTAR using an iOS device, please carry out the following steps:

  • Turn on iSTAR, access network settings and turn on AdHoc Mode. Return to the main menu to validate. You will hear a short audio sound indicating successful validation.
  • Access your iOS device and look for available networks to connect to
  • You should see your iSTAR serial number appear as a connection for example: iSTAR-2510. Connect to this
  • When prompted to enter a password enter iSTAR. Please note that the i is in lower case and the remaining characters are upper case
  • If the connection is successful, you will hear a small audio sound coming from the iSTAR indicating a connection and the WiFi symbol located in the top row of the screen should turn green.
  • You are now connected. To test, access a web browser on iOS(such as Chrome) and type in the url and search. You should now be presented with the iSTAR application allowing you to remotely capture images.
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    Mathew Bound

    Hello - I have been trying the above but without success. Any tips please

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