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How can I connect to iSTAR over WiFi?

To capture from iPhone:

  1. Start Unit
  2. Insert SD card or USB stick
  4. Tap the Wifi Settings until you see Wifi: adhoc mode
  5. Press the back arrow unit you are back at the home screen (you should hear a small beep on the first back arrow press)
  6. On your iPhone, select SETTINGS - WiFi
  7. Choose iSTAR_[serial number] as the wifi network
  8. Enter the password iSTAR
  9. You should hear a three tone beep from iSTAR and the WiFI status icon on iSTAR will turn blue
  10. On your iPhone, enter this address into a Browser:
  11. You will see the iSTAR Remote Capture Page
From there you only have one single option, to press the "Capture Image" button. When you press the button, iSTAR captures and image but you will see NOTHING happening on the touchscreen, which will also blank out after whatever time you have set. 
But once you press the capture image button, iSTAR is taking an image. You will see the page refresh a few times on the iPhone. After about 1 minute the page should change to show capture completed. you will still see nothing on the touchscreen but your image has been captured remotely over WiFi.
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    Bert Lee

    I have tryied this instruction, It is ok for iPhone but Android.

    How can I use the wifi remote on Android smart phone?


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    Paul Moorcroft

    I have also tried this on my Android phone and cannot get it to work. Any ideas?

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    Andrew Baddeley

    Yes we've ran some tests and I'm afraid the wifi function is not currently supported for android OS.

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    Irene Tuinenburg

    I've tried this but safari say : cannot open this page because server is not reacting.
    is it still functioning?

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