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How can I tell what firmware version I have?

To check the firmware version of your iSTAR unit:

  1. Start the unit up
  2. From the main screen, select SETTINGS - GENERAL SETTINGS - iSTAR INFORMATION
  3. You will see the firmware version displayed
  4. Press the touch screen to return to the previous screen
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    Paul Ko

    i saw my "i" icon on my bottom right of setting screen, but when i press "i" icon, it has no reaction can u please advise me what is my situaion?

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    Andrew Baddeley

    The "i" ic

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    Andrew Baddeley

    The "i" icon is a little tricky to activate as it's got a small area to click on. Try using a plastic tipped stylus or the top of a ball point pen to activate it. That should do the trick.

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    Paul Ko

    i just realise my "i" icon was work, but due to the sensitivity of my screen, i need to push few time in particular right position

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