The design of Windows 8.1 means that this operating system does not show Ad-Hoc networks by default and requires completing a few extra steps to show connectivity to the iSTAR Ad-Hoc network. Completing the steps below will allow you to connect to iSTAR over WiFi from Windows 8.1.
First of all, you must turn on iSTAR and access the WiFi settings which can be accessed from the touch screen under: Settings>Network Settings>WiFi Settings. Toggle through the options to select “Ad-Hoc mode” then return to the main menu.
To view networks in the range of your computer system, run this command in command shell (cmd.exe):
>netsh wlan show networks
You should now see a list of networks which will include your iSTAR unit and should appear on the list in the following structure: (the example shown below is for unit number NCT-IS10188)
SSID 2: iSTAR_0188
Network Type: Adhoc
Authentication: Open
Encryption: WEP
You must now set up a network connection between iSTAR and your PC:
Access “Network and Sharing Center” from the control panel
Access “Set up a new connection or network”
Click “Manually connect to a wireless network” and select “Next”
Enter the SSID of the Ad-Hoc network which was shown after the netsh wlan show networks command in the command prompt. Type this SSID into the network name field, in our example, the SSID is “ iSTAR_0188”. Select “WEP” from the security type drop down menu. The Security Key is iSTAR (Note the lower case ”i”)
Uncheck “Start this connection automatically”
Click “Next” and then “Close”
Run this command the command prompt, replacing <ssid> with your specific SSID:
>netsh wlan set profileparameter <ssid> connectiontype=ibss
If successfully you will receive the following message “(SSID) on interface WiFi updated successfully”
Now that the set up is complete, you are ready to make the connection between iSTAR and your PC:
Run the following command in the command shell when you want to connect, again replacing <ssid> with your iSTAR’s SSID.
>netsh wlan connect <ssid>
If successful, you will receive the message “Connection request was completed successfully.”
Hovering over your networks symbol in the bottom right corner indicates your are connected to the iSTAR.
You will hear a short audio sound from the iSTAR indicating a successful connection. The WiFi symbol on the screen of iSTAR will also turn blue to highlight this.
I feel that the page would be improved if the text from the "How do I connect to iSTAR WiFi using an iOS device?" was added at the end:
"You are now connected. To test, access a web browser (such a Chrome) and type in the URL search. You will now be presented with the iSTAR application enabling you to remotely capture panoramas."