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Is it possible to record 360° video with iSTAR Fusion?

This is technically possible, but only with an iSTAR with a Pulsar license loaded.  Customers with iSTAR Fusion or iSTAR Fusion Lite may contact our sales team to discuss upgrading their current license.

Let's start first with a clarification of expectation - iSTAR Pulsar does not "record 360° video". What it can do however is via our iSTAR SDK, send a constant data stream to a Windows PC which a user may then record using a suitable 3rd party application.

To initiate a live stream from iSTAR to PC:

  1. On the iSTAR device, browse to Settings>Ethernet Settings and set Ethernet: DHCP(Server) - the default settings should be fine for all else
  2. Download and extract the iRecorder application from our SDK (both files here)
  3. Connect iSTAR to your PC via ethernet cable - wait for your machine to recognise the camera as an additional network
  4. Launch iRecorder, select the camera and connect to it
  5. Select "Live View", and you should see a live stream from the device

Note that our SDK is provided without support, therefore NCTech will be unable to assist with the troubleshooting of any issues encountered.

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