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iSTAR Firmware Update v1.4

ISTAR Firmware Update V1.4 - Dated 09/04/2013

We recommend that all users of iSTAR consider upgrading to the latest version of Firmware.

Important : If you wish to use the SD Card for taking images, you should first delete the firmware file from the card before inserting it back into iSTAR.

To install firmware update v1.4:

Note: The process is a little bit technical but it's well documented so as long as you follow the steps carefully everything should be fine. If anyone is unsure or uneasy about following the instructions, we can send to you an SD card with the update ready to be installed. Simply let us know and we'll ship the SD card to you.

New Features Include : 

Improved Stability
Resolved issues that caused camera to hang and require reboot when touching certain options too fast.
Set Date and Time

Users can now modify the date and time clock in : Settings : Date & Time Settings.
The date time information is saved in the metadata of each image captured.

Storage Space Check
Checks for available space on SD Card or USB Stick before allowing capture

Metadata Update
Camera name is now stored in image metadata.

Improved User Interface

  • Fullscreen countdown timer when using timer capture.
  • The battery display icon now shows when mains charging is taking place for all batteries states.
  • Improved touch recognition on back arrow & power off buttons.

Improved Performance

  • Live View has been removed from timer capture screen to improve battery life. (Live View requires significant processing power and battery charge was being wasted during long timer delays or when camera is being used frequently)
  • Option to never power down has been changed to a maximum of 1Hr.

New features currently in development

We are currently working on the following features which will be implemented into new firmware updates:
  • Enable Tilt and Compass, and save the data to metadata.
  • Improving the auto white balance
  • Improving the exposure settings across the HDR exposure stack
  • Implementing onboard stitching
  • Ongoing SDK development
  • Export to cube face and equirectangular file types
  • RAW file format
  • Implementing image sharpness options
  • New UI look and feel
  • Enable GPS
  • Advanced DHCP server for enhanced remote capture over WiFi.
  • Batch stitching
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    Colin Humphreys

    Cameron, Neil and Andy....many thanks for your input and positivity at the HDS Police user meeting today at Leica HQ.
    Andy, the firmware runs smoothly and I'm looking forward to the next update with the wifi for iPhone.


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