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Inserting and removing the MicroSD card

Micro SD Card Compatibility

Please note that Sandisk Ultra 32GB microSD cards are NOT compatible with iris360 at this time

Sandisk Ultra 32GB  microSD card

iris360™ is compatible with 4GB, 8GB, 16GB and 32GB capacity microSDHC memory cards (sold separately). You must use a microSD card with a Class 10 AND a UHS-1 rating. NCTech recommends using brand name memory cards only for maximum reliability and optimal performance, however please note above warning message regarding Sandisk Ultra 32GB microSD cards. Do NOT use these cards with iris360.

SDXC cards are NOT compatible with iris360

To Insert the microSD Card

  1. Insert the microSD card into the supplied caddy at a slight angle
  2. Press down on the micrSD card until you hear a "click"
  3. Insert the caddy into the sd card slot - you can only insert the caddy one way up
  4. The card is fully inserted when you feel increased resistance and there is no further forward movement.
To Insert the microSD Card

To Remove the micro SD Card

  1. Gently grip the caddy with your thumb and forefinger.
  2. Pull the caddy out and away from the camera.
  3. Remove the microSD card from the caddy

Use care when handling memory cards. Avoid liquids, dust and debris. As a precaution, power off the camera before inserting or removing the card. Check manufacturer guidelines regarding use in acceptable temperature ranges.

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