The camera section allows you to capture images and apply basic settings
Select the Camera Icon

Status Bar
The Status Bar displays the following:
- Compass
- Roll
- Tilt
- GPS Lock
- microSD Card Capacity
- Battery Status

There are two exposure modes:
- Auto
- Manual
Auto chooses the shutter speed automatically according to the lighting conditions in the scene. Manual allows you to set your own desired shutter speed. The default mode is Auto.
To set an exposure mode:
- Select the drop down option
- Choose the desired mode
- Click Done
The selected mode will now be displayed in the drop down option.

HDR Mode
There are three HDR Modes:
- HDR Off
- HDR On
- HDR+
HDR Off captures a single exposure image. HDR On captures a 5 exposure bracketed image, with bracket weighting given to preserve highlight details. HDR+ captures a 7 or 9 exposure image, with number of exposures calculated by analyzing the dynamic range in the scene. Each bracket captured with HDR+ may have 1, 2 or 3 ev separation depending on the total dynamic range detected. The default mode is HDR On.
We recommend for most scenes you use HDR On as this gives the best balance of image quality against time to capture and process. For scenes where there is movement, such as busy street scenes use HDR Off to prevent "ghosting" in the image. Use HDR+ for the best possible image quality where there are extremes of lighting variances in the scene, such as an entrance to a very dark interior with bright sunlight outside.
To set an HDR mode:
- Select the drop down option
- Choose the desired mode
- Click Done
The selected mode will now be displayed in the drop down option.

Capture Mode
There are three capture modes:
- Instant
- Timer
- 50/50 (Walkaround)
The timer mode allows you to select a delay time before capturing which allows you time to remove yourself from the scene before actual image capture. The default mode is Timer.
Timer allows you to select the delay time before image capture. Instant will capture the image without any time delay. 50/50 allows you to capture the image in two halves, so you can stay close to the camera without needing to remove yourself from view.
To set a Capture mode:
- Select the drop down option
- Choose the desired mode
- Click Done
The selected mode will now be displayed in the drop down option.

Shutter Speed
Shutter speeds allow you to control the overall exposure in the image. For a brighter image, select a slower shutter speed. For a darker image, select a faster shutter speed.
If the Exposure mode is set to Auto, it is not possible to set a shutter speed since this is being controlled directly by the camera and the shutter speed will indicate "Auto" and will not be selectable. If the Exposure mode is set to Manual you will be able to select a shutter speed.
There are 12 shutter speeds: 1/1000, 1/500, 1/250, 1/125, 1/60, 1/30, 1/15, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1 and 2 secs.
To select a shutter speed:
- Ensure the Exposure mode is set to Manual
- Select the drop down option
- Choose the desired mode
- Click Done
The selected mode will now be displayed in the drop down option.

ISO Setting
ISO controls how sensitive the camera is to light. For bright conditions use a low ISO value. For dull or dark conditions use a high ISO number.
There are 7 ISO settings: 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200 and 6400.
To select an ISO value:
- Select the ISO drop down option
- Choose the desired value
- Click Done
The selected ISO value will now be displayed in the drop down option.

Timer mode allows you to select a delay time before capturing which allows you time to remove yourself from the scene before actual image capture. The default setting is 10 secs.
To set a Timer value:
- Select the drop down option
- Choose the desired value
- Click Done
The selected value will now be displayed in the drop down option.
The timer is indicated by the blue LED status indicator flashing for the duration of the timer countdown and the countdown itself is initiated when you select Capture. For more details on camera status indicators, see here.

To capture a panorama, press Capture.

Capture initiates the capture process on the camera. A number of things happen when you press capture:
- The Timer initiates (if selected) and starts a countdown to capture
- The LED status ring flashes Blue during the timer countdown
- If Sound is On you hear a series of long beeps during countdown
- After the time countdown has completed, the camera enters a "Capturing" sequence and the Web UI displays a "Capturing - do not move camera" message. Do not move the camera during this phase
- The LED status ring turns OFF during the capturing process
- If Sound is On you hear a series of short beeps during the capture process
- After capturing has completed, the LED status ring illuminates Magenta
- The Web UI displays a "Processing - OK to move camera" message. You may now move the camera
- After processing is complete, the LED status ring turns Blue and the Image Preview page is displayed
Capture Times
The time to capture a panorama depends on a number of factors and settings:
- Timer mode: If you have a timer countdown set, this will need to complete before the capture process initiates
- Lighting conditions: Dull and dark conditions require longer exposure times and so will take longer to capture than bright and sunny conditions
- ISO: The higher the ISO value, the faster the shutter speeds selected and so the faster the capture time
- HDR Mode: HDR Off take less time than either HDR On or HDR+ since only 1 exposure is captured. HDR On takes less time to capture than HDR+ since 5 exposures only are captured. HDR+ takes longer than both HDR Off and HDR On since it captures either 7 or 9 exposures depending on the dynamic range in the scene
- File type being saved: RAW only takes less time to save than either Stitched JPEG only or RAW and Stitched JPEG. RAW and Stitched JPEG takes the most time to save
- Stitched JPEG Resolution: The higher the resolution setting of the Stitched JPEG, the longer it takes to save
50/50 (Walkaround)
50/50 (Walkaround) mode allows you to stay close to the camera while capturing an image. The image is captured in two halves and the display shows where in relation to the camera you should stand to remove yourself from view during the capture of both halves.
To capture using 50/50 mode:
- Select the Capture Mode drop down option
- Set the mode to 50/50
- Click Done
The selected value will now be displayed in the drop down option.

To capture a panorama with 50/50 mode selected, press Capture.

Capture initiates the 50/50 capture process on the camera. A number of things happen when you press capture:
- The Web UI will display the FIRST 50/50 position screen.
- Use the position screen to locate and stand by the bottom right corner of the camera (as you look down on it)
- Tap the position screen to capture the first half of the 50/50 capture sequence
- If Sound is On you hear a series of long beeps during countdown and the LEDs will turn OFF
- During capture, the camera enters a "Capturing" sequence and the Web UI displays a "Capturing - do not move camera" message. Do not move the camera during this phase

- After the first 50/50 capture has completed, the Web UI shows the SECOND position screen
- Move around the camera and stand by the OPPOSITE corner of the camera as indicated on the second position screen
- Tap the position screen to capture the second half of the 50/50 capture sequence
- During capture, the camera enters a "Capturing" sequence and the Web UI displays a "Capturing - do not move camera" message. Do not move the camera during this phase
- The Web UI displays a "Processing - OK to move camera" message. You may now move the camera
- After processing is complete, the LED status ring turns Blue and the Image Preview page is displayed

Image Review
Once the capture has completed the Web UI displays the Image review page. The page displays the following items:
- Image thumbnail
- Info button
- Download button
- Delete Image button
- Process button

Image Thumbnail
Click the Image Thumbnail to display an immersive navigable view of the panorama. You can then move and navigate through the image interactively. Use the +/- buttons to zoom in/out and the full screen icon to display the image full screen.
- It is not possible to display RAW Only images in the viewer. Please stitch the image and try again or select a stitched image
- Not all devices are able to show the full screen icon

Info Button
Click the Info Button to display EXIF information about the image

Download Button
Click the Download Button to download the image to the device.

Delete Button
Click the Delete Button if you wish to delete the image from the camera.

A warning will display asking you to confirm you wish to Delete the image or if you wish to cancel.

Process Image
Click the Process button to stitch the image.

"Click the Download Button to download the image to the device."
define "device"
thank you...
Device means the laptop, phone or tablet you are using to connect to the camera.