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Powering On and Off

How to power on and off iris360™

To Power ON

Toggle the On/Off switch on the side of iris360™ to the On position

To Power ON

Power Status Indicators

  1. The NCTech logo on the capacitive touch screen will illuminate after 2 seconds
  2. The LED status ring will illuminate Blue after approximately 1 min
  3. When the LED status ring illuminates blue, your camera is ready for use.
Power Status Indicators

To Power Off

There are two ways to power off iris360™

1. Using the Power On/Off button on the Capacitive Touch Panel

  • Press and hold the Power button on the capacitive touch screen for 2 seconds
  • The LED status ring will immediately turn Yellow
  • After approx 25 secs the LED status ring and the capacitive touch screen will turn off
  • When the LED status ring turns off, your iris360™ has powered down and you can toggle the On/Off Switch on the side of the camera to the Off position
Using the Power On/Off button on the Capacitive Touch Panel

2. Using the Web UI or IOS/Android Apps

For details on how to power off iris360™ using either the Web app or the IOS /Android Apps please see the following links:

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    Manuel T. Ortega

    link to IOS page leads to
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    You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved

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