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Reset Button or On/Off Switch

If you experience problems your camera will be equipped with either an On/Off switch or Reset button to shutdown the camera.

Using the On/Off switch

  • Locate the On/Off switch on the rear of the camera behind the rubber port panel.
  • To switch off, slide the switch and wait for 2 seconds before switching the unit back on.
  • Tap the 4 corners of the touch screen to start up the camera.

Using the Reset button

  • Locate the Reset button on the rear of the camera behind the rubber port panel.
  • Press a pointed object through the hole until you hear a long audible beep.
  • On hearing the beep, release the button.
  • You will hear a 2nd audible beep and the iSTAR logo will flash on screen confirming the camera has shut down successfully.
  • Tap the 4 corners of the touch screen to start up the camera.

If the reset does not solve the issue then disconnect and reconnect the battery.

If problems persist, disconnect the power cable (if connected) and disconnect and then reconnect the battery.

IMPORTANT: Do not put the camera in its protective case when switched on. This will create excessive heat as the foam acts as an insulator. Damage from misuse in this way will not be covered by warranty.

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