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Why do I get a message on my computer stating that there is a problem with my microSD card?

Inserting the microSD card into a PC sometimes displays an error message

Error Message

You may notice that sometimes when you insert the microSD card from iris360 into your PC, you see an error message saying there is a problem and asking to scan and fix the drive. This is perfectly normal and is simply due to how iris360 is structuring the data on the microSD card. You can simply ignore this message and the data will be fine. However, if you wish you can follow the instructions to scan the drive.

Error Message

Scan and fix the drive

To scan and fix the drive, select Scan and Fix:

Scan and fix the drive

Repair the drive

Next, select Repair drive to allow the system to scan and fix the drive:

Repair the drive

Close window

Finally, click the Close button to close the window.

Close window
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