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LED Status Ring

The current camera status is shown via the LED status ring

Camera Status Colours

The status indicators and their respective colours are:

  1. Camera Ready: Solid Blue
  2. Capacitive TFT Keypress: Flash Green
  3. Timer Countdown: Flashing Blue
  4. Capturing in progress: Off
  5. Processing in progress: Solid Magenta
  6. Updating Firmware: Solid Yellow
  7. WiFi Password Reset: Flash Green
  8. Error: Solid Red
Camera Status Colours
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    Roberto Ruiz

    Why I have access with iris 360 via UI using my tablet but always LEDs are off ?
    I can't take pictures

    When I clic to turn off, LEDs turn solid yellow (or is it solid green? )

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    Josue Garcia

    No es broma.
    A plena luz del día, para poder ver, algun color del Anillo LED de Estado, llevo una manta para taparme la cabeza con la IRIS 360.
    NO ES BROMA. Ya lo vereis.

  • Avatar
    Josue Garcia

    No es broma.
    A plena luz del día, para poder ver, algun color del Anillo LED de Estado, llevo una manta para taparme la cabeza con la IRIS 360.
    NO ES BROMA. Ya lo vereis.

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