Click the "Show Advanced Options" button to reveal the advanced options
Advanced Option Sections
There are two sections of advanced options:
- Create
- Options
The "Create" section allows you to select what files you want to generate.
The "Options" section allows you to select some optional processing parameters.
Create Section
The Create section has the following options:
- Coloured E57
- Coloured scan with resolution matched to iSTAR resolution
- iSTAR Equirectangular (PNG)
- Intensity Equirectangular (PNG)
- Range Equirectangular (PNG)
Coloured E57
Creates a coloured copy of your original e57 with the iSTAR suffix. This file will be larger than your original e57 as it will now contain the colour information from iSTAR. Simply open the e57 in your point cloud editing software and you will see the colour information is burnt directly to the measurement data. At this time ColourCloud only supports e57 with single scans.
Coloured scan with resolution matched to iSTAR resolution
Interpolates scan data to create scan with resolution matched to iSTAR images, enabling every colour from iSTAR to be mapped into the scan. This interpolated data provided visually superior results ideal for fly-throughs and presentation although measurement accuracy is the same as the original resolution scan. We recommend using the original scan for measurements.
iSTAR Equirectangular (PNG)
Creates a 360 degree scan aligned PNG from iSTAR images. This image is useful to quickly check for alignment errors when compared with the intensity map image. This image can also be used as a standalone panorama within 360 degree viewing software and ideal for use with which is included as part of Immersive Studio. The resolution of this file is determined by the resolution of the laser scan unless the "Create 10k x 5k" option has been selected.
Note: This option is only available for deselection if you first uncheck the "Coloured E57" option.
iSTAR Equirectangular (PNG) Occlusion Options
While ColourCloud is able to very accurately map the individual RGB pixels to the individual points in the scan data, some occlusion will almost inevitably occur due to:
- No points were returned to the scanner because of reflections, water, distance etc.
- The iSTAR unit was not positioned at precisely the same NPP (No Parallax Point) as the scanner head
ColourCloud is able to minimise these areas of occlusion by interpolating the occlusion areas in one of three ways:
- Copy pixels to occluded areas
- Transparent occluded areas
- Interpolate and fill occluded areas
Option: Copy pixels to occluded areas
In this example the areas of occlusion have been "filled in" by simply copying adjacent pixels to the occluded areas.
Option: Transparent occluded areas
In this example the areas of occlusion have been left "transparent" and so no pixels are present in the occluded areas.
Intensity Equirectangular (PNG)
Creates a 360 degree PNG from the scan intensity data. The intensity values are displayed as Black for none, and White for maximum. This image is useful to quickly check your scan for errors and also to compare to the iSTAR equirectangular image which will be an accurate colour version of this. The resolution of this file is determined by the resolution of the laser scan.
Range Equirectangular (PNG)
Creates a 360 degree (PNG) from the scan range data. The range values are displayed as Black for distant, and White for close. The resolution of this file is determined by the resolution of the laser scan.
Options Section
The Options section has the following options:
- Process HDR
- Create 10,000 x 5,000 PNGs even if scan is lower resolution
Process HDR
iSTAR is capable of automatically capturing a High Dynamic Range of light across multiple exposures. Each iSTAR exposure creates over 40Mb of data and some HDR images can store up to 9 exposures containing 360Mb of data. Choosing to process HDR is recommended for best results but does take around 1 to 2 minutes per exposure. To not process HDR will reduce processing time but will also reduce colour quality.
Create 10,000 x 5,000 PNGs even if scan is lower resolution
Overrides the automatic output resolution detection based on the laser scan resolution and generates high resolution 10K x 5K PNGs of iSTAR, Range and Intensity images. This can produce images with some misalignment as there may not be enough scan data in low resolution scans to provide sufficient accuracy at this high resolution. This option relates to PNGs only and has no effect on the coloured e57 which retains the same resolution as the original.