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Why can't I stitch images on the camera when capturing HDR+?

Since HDR+ can be capturing up to 9 exposures with up 3ev separation between shots, this puts a very high performance load onto the camera's processor.

In order to maintain a stable system and to minimise time to process, selecting HDR+ as the HDR mode will automatically apply the following settings

  1. Resolution:
    • 8K x 4K
  2. Save Files:
    • Raw only

Selecting any other HDR mode allows you to apply the following settings:

  1. Resolution:
    • 8K x 4K
    • 5.6K x 2.8K
    • 4K x 2K
    • 2K x 1K
  2. Save Files:
    • Stitched JPEG only
    • Raw and Stitched JPEG
    • Raw only (this will also set the resolution to 8K x 4K)



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    Roberto Ruiz

    But that RAW could be processed with 3th party software, let say kolor Autopano Giga ?

  • Avatar
    Roberto Ruiz

    But that RAW could be processed with 3th party software, let say kolor Autopano Giga ?

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    Andrew Baddeley

    You can simply stitch the Raw using Immersive Studio.

    But if you prefer to use a 3rd party stitching program like APG then you will need to first export the fisheye JPEGs using Immersive Studio:

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