The Review section allows you to review, process and delete captured images.

Thumbnails overview
All the images you have captured are displayed as a scrolling list of thumbnails. Scroll down through the list to view. The images are listed in chronological order with the newest images at the top.
The images are grouped by date with each day having it's own group.

Reviewing an image
To review an individual image, tap the thumbnail to display the review page. See the section on Image Review for further details.

Thumbnail stitched image indicator
Images that have been captured as RAW only and therefore not yet stitched are shown with an indicator at the top right of the thumbnail.

Images that have been captured as Stitched JPEG or RAW and Stitched JPEG are already stitched and so do not have the indicator at the top right of the thumbnail.

Review stitched images
- Tap the thumbnail to display the review page
- Tap the image on the review page to display the immersive viewer
- Use your finger to spin around the image and pinch to zom in/out

To exit the immersive view, touch the white "X" upper left in the viewer:

The immersive view ONLY works with stitched images
Processing images
To process (stitch) images:
- Tap Select
- Tap the image(s) you wish to process
- Tap Process
- In the dialog box that appears, tap Process to process the selected images or Cancel
It will take around 2 mins to stitch per image, depending on image capture resolution and HDR Mode at time of capture.

Process ALL images
To process (stitch) ALL images:
- Tap Select
- Tap Select all
- Tap Process
- In the dialog box that appears, tap Process to process the selected images or Cancel
It will take around 2 mins to stitch per image, depending on image capture resolution and HDR Mode at time of capture.

Deleting images
To delete one or more images:
- Tap Select
- Tap the image(s) you wish to delete
- Tap Delete
- In the dialog box that appears, tap Delete to delete the selected images or Cancel

Delete ALL images
To delete ALL images:
- Tap Select
- Tap Select all
- Tap Process
- In the dialog box that appears, tap Process to process the selected images or Cancel
If you click Delete All a warning dialog will display asking you to confirm you wish to proceed or cancel. Select Delete All to proceed or Cancel to return to the review section.
If you select Delete All this will permanently delete all images on the camera. This action is irreversible.
