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User Interface

After installation the ColourCloud icon will appear in the FARO SCENE 6.0 toolbar in both interfaces.

NCTech ColourCloud process can be launched in a similar way in both SCENE interfaces. However, a separate explanation is showed to clarify.

Previous Interface

NCTech ColourCloud features are accessed by right click on any scan position so the option “NCTech Colourise” can be selected. This will open a window to choose the corresponding iSTAR raw data (*.nctri). After selecting the corresponding folder colourisation process is launched.

Batch process can be launched by right click on “Scans” folder. “NCTech Colourise” option will appear. After selecting the iSTAR data folder, each scan is fully automatically matched with each iSTAR *.nctri file and colourisation is performed. Just one click user action is needed to select the main folder.

Previous Interface

New SCENE 6.0 Interface

NCTech ColourCloud features are accessed by selecting any scan (Single scan colourisation) or the “Scans” folder (Batch process)  and click on NCTech ColourCloud icon and scans colourisation option. An emergent window will appear to select iSTAR *.nctri file (single scan) or iSTAR data folder (Batch process). As in the previous SCENE interface, each scan is fully automatically matched with each iSTAR *.nctri file and colourisation is performed. Just one click user action is needed to select the main folder.

New SCENE 6.0 Interface


Once the colourisation process is launched it works in the same way within both FARO SCENE 6.0 interfaces.  A pop up window with a progress bar will appear. The user can cancel the colourisation process by clicking on “Abort”


Settings window will appear by clicking on the NCTech ColourCloud icon. There, the user can select which images they want to keep in equirectangular format after the colourisation process. The images will appear in each iSTAR image data folder.

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