Release v1.10
Download ColourCloud v1.10
ColourCloud uses iSTAR image data to automatically colourise laser scan point cloud data - the software will not work with image data from any other products other than iSTAR.
Download and installation instructions
- ColourCloud requires 64bit Windows 7 or higher with 4GB RAM to run. Large scans require more RAM
- ColourCloud supports UK and USA Languages only at present. For international language systems, please check your "International Settings" on your PC and change the decimal separator from a comma "," to a point "."
- Download the v1.10 file (7.9Mb) using the button above
- Launch the installer application
- Follow the on screen instructions
- Run ColourCloud from the start menu or desktop icons
Getting Started
- Drag and drop a folder containing your .E57 scan and istar .nctri file onto ColourCloud.
- Press 'Process'.
- Your coloured scan will appear in your folder. Thats it, its that easy.
Version Info
V 1.5
Fixed problem that CC crashes when processing some Raw files.
V 1.4
Fixed version in title bar.
Add version to file version.
V 1.3
Fixed missing DLL.
V 1.2
ColourCloud report that the raw file comes from iris camera instead of generating bad result - Note: This does NOT allow iris360 data to be used with ColourCloud
V 1.1
Fixed bug that ColourCloud required some DLL which was missing
V 1.0
Fixed bug that sometimes UI became unresponsive.
First public release which is not beta version.
V (Beta) 2.4.7
Hide advanced options under a collapsible view.
Changed the default checkboxes so no intensity or range data is created.
V (Beta) 2.4.6
More error checking added.
V (Beta) 2.4.5
Generate error when intensity is not available as part of scan.
V (Beta) 2.4.4
CC now checks for decimal point separator setting and if it is not correct, it doesn’t start and report that the computer configuration is not correct.
V (Beta) 2.4.3
Fixed bug that ColourCloud crashes when writing some scans
V (Beta) 2.4.2
Add scan resolution to output.
V (Beta) 2.4.1
Fixed bug that generate e57 had wrong colour.
V (Beta) 2.4.0
Creating hi resolution scan is added.
V (Beta) 2.3.1
Improved occlusion and infill detection.
V (Beta) 2.2.2
Some bug fixes.
Spelling error fix.
V (Beta) 2.2.1
Add option so user can select what type of output CC should generate (The default is copy pixel):
Copy pixel,
V (Beta) 2.2.0
Occultation in fill added.
Accurate code to report offset of camera related to scanner.
V (Beta) 2.1.4
Fix bug that output e57 was wrong after changing output image to PNG.
Report match between scan intensity and iSTAR
V (Beta) 2.1.3
Occultation detection. Output image is transparent where the occultation happens.
Output iSTAR image format is PNG.
Beta) 2.1.2
Add tooltip
Change messages
Change file format for intensity and range from PNG to JPG
V (Beta) 2.1.1
Fixed bug that for some scans that has invalid data, writing e57 generates error.
V (Beta) 2.1.0
Add full resolution output.
Add cancel to batch processing.
V (Beta) 2.0.0
Support for batch processing added.
V (Beta) 1.4.0
Fixed decimal point separator and printing out the decimal point separator
Writing locals on debug info.
V (Beta) 1.3.4
Create log.txt which is a copy of what is printed on screen.
V (Beta) 1.3.3
Add logging to generate a log of application progress and if it fails, we can track down where it was failed.
V (Beta) 1.3.2
Fixed missing file bug.
V (Beta) 1.3.1
Output camera rotation relative to scanner.
Ask use to input iSTAR serial number during registration.
V (Beta) 1.3
Output camera offset relative to scanner
V (Beta) 1.2
Add new logo to screen
Changed message box text
Uses new EULA
V 1.1
Dialog box is not resize able
At the end of processing, a dialog box appears asking for cleaning the form data.
Processing times are rounded to sec.
V 1.0
With a UI
Have a suitable setup
Create icons on desktop and start menu
UI is responsive during processing.
V 0.5
Output files name were changed.
V 0.4
Support for files inside path with space added.