NCTech have recently changed our policy on supplying software to end users - users must raise a support request here and request access to Immersive Studio, the NCTech Support Team will supply access upon request.Once in possession of the new version in ZIP format, users may install it via the below instructions.
Note that the instructions below are suitable for both initial installation and for upgrading to the latest version from a previous one - if upgrading, there is no need to uninstall the previous version first, users may install the new version straight over the top of it.
Extract EXE file from ZIP file
Windows 10 can do this by default, simply right-click on the downloaded ZIP file then select "Extract All":

Specify location to extract to, by default a new folder will be created in the same location that the ZIP file was downloaded to, but users may change this by clicking the "Browse" button.
For simplicity, it is recommended that users keep the option to "Show extracted files when complete" enabled.
To proceed with extraction to stated location, click the "Extract" button:

Wait for the EXE file to be extracted from the ZIP file:

Run extracted EXE file
If users kept the option to "Show extracted files when complete" enabled in the previous step, then they will be taken straight to the file, otherwise they must manually locate and browse to it:

Users may double-click the EXE file to run the installer package.
Follow instructions within installer application to install in preferred location
Windows may at this point block installation automatically, resulting in the below notification being shown. Users may dismiss this and continue with installation by clicking on "More info", confirming that the app being blocked is indeed Immersive Studio, then clicking the "Run anyway" button:

The default setup language is English, however users will be provided with an option to change this:

Users should read and confirm acceptance of the License Agreement in order to proceed:

Next, users may choose whether to create an Immersive Studio icon on their desktop for quick access:

A final confirmation screen is shown, to begin installation users may click the "Install" button:

Users should wait for installation to complete, this should be relatively quick, but can be monitored via the progress bar shown within the installation window:

Installation will now be confirmed, users may click the "Finish" button to complete the process and close the installer. By default Immersive Studio will also be launched automatically, users may disable this by unchecking the "Launch NCTech Immersive Studio" box:
