Hi Amy,
The Immersive Viewer isn't really designed for what you are trying to do. Why not use something like KRPano: https://krpano.com/
I am linking processed photos to point features in my database via an attribute (great processing software by the way, my photos look wonderful).
When I click the feature with the Hyperlink tool I would like the photo to open in the Immersive Studio Viewer. Right now it keeps asking for me to point to the folder. My processed photos will be several hundred after a while, and putting them all in the same folder is not a convenient option, nor is creating a separate folder for each photo. Is there a way to open the photo without having to click on the folder level?
Thank you,
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Hi Amy,
The Immersive Viewer isn't really designed for what you are trying to do. Why not use something like KRPano: https://krpano.com/
Thank you Andrew, I will give krpano a try and let you know if it works. I appreciate the suggestion!