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Ok experiencing some stitching and exposure issues

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The tour looks great! What issues are you having exactly? If you want, feel free to raise a Support Ticket so we can investigate these for you.

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20-40% of the images had stitch issues. I did some light photoshop on this tour cause I wanted to show the client. But if you go to the balcony of the tour and look at the railing. Or from the bathroom looking out the verticals in the hallway to the right are pushed out.

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The accuracy and alignment of stitch is affected by the distance of objects along the seam lines (overlap area between lens pairs). You should aim for at least 1m distance from any objects along the seam lines.

In the balcony scene, the balcony railings were closer than 1m and this has not only affected the railings themselves but as you follow the seam lines upwards it's also affected where there's an abrupt transition from distance to closer objects.

The same has also happened in the bathroom sample where the doorframe was very close to the unit and this has affected as you look past the edge of the door towards the more distant wall.

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