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Cover for camera

It would be good to have a "slip over" cover for the camera when working on an assignment.

The camera fits beautifully on the tripod and it is practical to leave it there as one moves around the assignment, but we are not shooting continually and I feel that if it is sitting there on the tripod while we are waiting that a cover befitting the iSTAR is available to slip over it - either a "rectangular bag" or preferably a plastic cover with nctech logo.

I feel that my plastic bag is not really to right cover!


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We are looking at using a Manfrotto foor for our iStar so we can swap it between our main camera tripod, therefore cutting down to just one tripod for our Nikon SLR and the iStar. I think a padded bag big enough to fit the iStar in with a sholder strap would be a good idea.

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