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Custom file naming

When doing laser scanning, it would be excellent if the iStar allowed a capture name to be entered by the user that corresponds with the scan or station name. This would make matching up the exported .e57 pointcloud with the raw iStar file in Colourcloud much simpler. We typically acquire 80 scans per day, so that's a real headache of matching up back at the office!

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Hi Nick,

My workflow is use iSTAR then scan.......

back in the office, I simply add the scan number to the RAW  iSTAR folders ie 20150328-015218-001    20150328-020125-002 etc

now drop the exported e57's into the corresponding folders and then batch the folders into ColourCloud.


I'm sure you're aware, iSTAR folders are yy/mm/day - time.... which can be matched with the time on the scan station .ini file if anything goes wrong.

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