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memory card out the case

Its hard get the memory card out the case with my big fingers, other solution?

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Are you right handed? When you try to grip the microSD card with your right hand you may find your thumb and forefinger are to the LEFT of the microSD card and therefore pressing against the left hand edge of the microSD card recess.

Try either using your LEFT hand to grip the card or simply hold the unit upside down so that your right hand thumb and forefinger are facing into the microSD card opening rather than against the left wall of the opening.

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At first I keep a small needle nose pliers close at hand but you risk damaging the card or the slot with too much force. I've since added a thin strip of movers clear tape as a tail to the rear of the MicroSd card. Choose strong but thin as possible tape while remembering to take into consideration the Mirosd card has to dock securely into the SD adapter.

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