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Streetview connection never downloads or finishes

I have linked to and triggered the Iris 360 shutter through the Google Streetview app on my Nexus 6. The progress bar (a pegman running back and forth) never completes the download of the data to my private collection. I can see the pre=stiched photo in the review section and the internal camera has no issue's completeing a photosphere. Is there a step i'm missing or Is there a bug where no Iris360 info is sent to the Streetview app?

Official comment

What do you have set for the File Type via the Web UI interface (Settings)?

If it's set to RAW only or RAW and Stitched JPEG the Street View App doesn't work. Make sure the File Type is set to Stitched JPEG only and 8000 x 4000 px if you want to save at the highest resolution.

Andrew Baddeley
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OK. JPEG setting did works. It would be useful to be able to directly save my highest RAW resolution picts instead of exporting to Immersive Studio and then reimporting back into the Street View app on the device. Double workflow. Thank you Andrew.

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