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HDR+/Exposure via OSC

Your OSC support is awful - very broken. The state fingerprints seem like a row record from a mysql database. Doing getOptions on some of your custom options (one's with the _) fail the request (returns error). 

How does one set the HDR mode via OSC? 

The web app doesn't even use OSC but it's own API via the commands.php endpoint. I'd rather stick to a complete OSC solution vs writing custom REST calls to this other endpoint. 




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The HDR mode is set in the osc via the camera.setOptions method, option "hdr". As indicated when interrogating via camera.getOptions parameter exposureBracketSupport, our camera only supports auto mode and no manual mode. So setting the "hdr" option to true is the only step to be taken to enable hdr.
State fingerprints are viewed by the client as a string so it does not really matter what it's content is.
The web UI is designed as a manufacturer interface with the camera and is not an example of how to use the osc. Clients are recommended to be written using the osc exclusively.
Also to be clear, the OSC API is now being used by multiple camera manufacturers and not just NCTech.
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Aware of OSC being used by many - we' created a OSC library that works well with Ricoh's Theta and Samsung's 360 cameras. 

The problem I'm having with the iris360 is putting the camera into normal hdr mode if it is already in HDR+ mode. You have no vendor specific options to set this (underscored options) or toggle between the two. 

Agreed on state finger print, but it just shows the laziness that went into adhering to the protocol. :)

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I must say I'm finding your comments a little abrasive... We are trying to offer you information and assistance here but you are not really showing any kind of appreciation of that fact.

Anyway, the manufacturer command is _autoHdrMode/_autoHdrModeSupport.

Be aware though you can't stitch onboard using HDR+ due to hardware limitations at this time.

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Perfect. For the money paid for the iris360 compared to the others, I would have expected better documentation. So, I'm sorry if I came off abrasive. Thank you

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Interested in your in experience in general using Google OSC.  Also anyone else that has use OSC and would like to discuss.


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