Is this with iSTAR? If so please contact our Italian reseller who has a solution:
3D Target srl
Via A. De Rege Thesauro, 12
25135 Brescia BS
+39 02 00614452
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At the moment it is possible to make timelaps. Every second, minute, whatever. Is it possible to add a distance to make a picture every meter, 2 meter, 5 meter, whatever.
Ofcourse you need a GPS when you want to use this.
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Is this with iSTAR? If so please contact our Italian reseller who has a solution:
3D Target srl
Via A. De Rege Thesauro, 12
25135 Brescia BS
+39 02 00614452
I'm going to contact them. Do they speak English or do I have to clean up my Italian language? :-)