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iris360 new feature - Nadir area

I received a few days iris360 ,very happy with the results of my tests so far! How do i using Immersive Studio to "pinch" the Nadir area?
I thought that already come with the new upgrade of the iris,as told in the mail I received, stating that my already come with this new upgrade and would not have to worry about anything ... please explain , thank you!

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question, if you have selected the option "add mirror ball/pinch" but i dont want to have a mirror ball but only the image pinched? is the result a combination of the two  or either??

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The result depends which unit you have. If you have the original unit with the uptilted lenses the option delivers a mirror ball. 

If you have the latest unit with the vertical lenses then the option delivers the pinch effect.

As a user you do not have the ability to choose which option you want.

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